Monday, 22 July 2019


My girls have all loved to play dress ups over the years, especially when they're little.
One of the favourite objects in our dressing up boxes has been glasses.   For some reason, glasses of all shapes and colours just can't be parted with when it comes time to donate to charity and make room for bigger dress ups.   

I was praying in the early hours this morning, and the Lord showed me a picture of glasses,  of all shapes and sizes.   I remembered that I had a photo of one of the girls dressed up with glasses.  Turned out I had quite a few, more than is pictured here.  

Why do we love glasses so much?   Is it because they change and colour the way we see things around us?   Does it give us a place to hide?   Does it give us a fresh and interesting perspective on ordinary things?   Does it give us a new way of looking at ourselves?   I suspect it's all that and more.

The Lord reminded me this morning that we often look at and receive messages through the glasses that we put on as children and adolescents, though not for dressing up purposes. 

The things that happen to us when we're young, and our responses to them, impact our lives from that point on.  I'm reminded that when we're young and vulnerable and impressionable, we often form images and ideas based on the messages received from the 'big people' in our lives.  

Obviously, the big people are our parents, but also others like siblings and other relatives, friends, teachers, pastors, employers, etc. 

Those images and ideas that are formed then become our 'truth', our way of measuring everything that comes after it, our reference points, our way of seeing things.   We often live life with our peculiar glasses on, unable to see life as it was meant to be seen, unable to receive different messages and truths now, because we're still wearing the same glasses, still using the same filters, still believing the same things - about ourselves, about others, about God.    Have our glasses actually damaged, and not helped, our vision?  

Yesterday, I listened to a rather powerful sermon, interjected by a couple of powerful and challenging prayers, which we were encouraged to speak out, that really reminded me that we often believe lies, for a very long time, and live out of those lies that we've believed, often unknowingly.    Those lies, those beliefs and the associated pain and anger and dysfunction, can keep us in a place of immaturity, a place of stagnancy, of slowly dying, instead of growing in relationship with Him and others.  

So, my challenge to you, and to myself is this:

Are you wearing glasses that affect how you see things and how you receive messages?   Can you give God those glasses, those filters, even if you can't see them or recognise how cracked they are?   Can you let it go and ask His truth to shine into those dark places of the past that poison the now?  It's a big ask and it's scary.    But God will pick up the pieces and strengthen you to move forward, if you'll let Him.   

I really believe it's time to let go - of the lies, the pain, the unforgiveness - and the glasses!!

I'll leave you with a verse that has challenged us and changed us this week.  

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.   2 Chronicles 16:9

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