Tuesday, 9 September 2014

A Song and a Prayer

Have you ever stopped to really listen to a song?  Pondered the words and maybe written them out?

I’ve got a few that I love to listen to because they are prayers from my spirit to God. 

Break my heart for what breaks Yours . . . Hillsong

God I look to You, I won’t be overwhelmed, give me vision to see things like You do… Bethel

Set a fire down in my soul that I can’t contain and I can’t control . . . United Pursuit

I don’t want to find that I’m just dry bones, I want to burn with unquenchable fire deep down inside me. . . United Pursuit

Songs are so powerful because they shape who we are, they determine our mood, they can lift our spirits and they are part of renewing our minds because what we sing is who we become.

Music has the power to evoke in us a memory for a certain time period.  When I hear the God He Reigns cd by Hillsong I am instantly transported to age 14 lying on my bed one summer with the sun streaming in the windows while I wrote a book over the school holidays. 

When I was working, my alarm at 6am used to be the song One Thing Remains by Bethel.   It started out, Your Love Never Fails, never gives up, never runs out on me.’  It was seriously such a powerful reminder to wake up to everyday and those days were some of my most joyful days at that time. 

When I was suffering several spiritual attacks the only way to lift the heaviness was with Colin Buchanan’s and Donut Man’s memory verse songs because they were straight Scripture that I could sing out when I couldn’t see straight to read the Bible. 

So I’m asking you, what are you listening to?  What is shaping your mood?  What is the song-prayer in your heart today?

Another favourite of mine is this little known chorus by Hillsong London:

So I’m stepping out from the comfort zone,

Letting go of me, holding onto You

Freedom comes, when I call You Lord

You are Lord my God.

You’ve placed in me the song of Heaven’s melody,

Your majesty I live to sing Your song.

This is Your song

Not mine

It is Your song that brings healing to this land

This is the song that absolutely resonated in my heart when I first returned from PNG in 2006, having really found God for myself for the first time in my Christian upbringing.     I was ready to do anything and everything for God.   Ready to go anywhere as a missionary, and it’s funny how sometimes that passion, that first love can go dim, as you just get through the day.   I just pray today that God’s passion and love overwhelms you again and changes you just as it did when you first met. 

Linking up at:
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  1. What a lovely post! Music is so powerful! The longest book in the bible, Psalms, is chock full of songs the Israelites sang. Obviously God is all about music, huh? So glad you linked up with us at The Loft. blessings to you.

  2. You are so RIGHT music is powerful. I just read a post on THE LOFT about that and how it was instrumental in building memory and strength in the brain. Did you read it too.

  3. Well this has given me a ton of new songs to go look up on youtube :) Music is such a wonderful way of expressing our hearts and reminding ourselves of truth... and of course, such a great way to worship our great God. Thank you for this post, it truly encouraged my heart today.

  4. I'm so glad you found this helpful, no, I didn't read the post about how music is instrumental in building memory and strength in the brain, I will have to look it up. Any ideas which post it was?

  5. This is such a wonderful blog post and it reminds me of how blessed we are to listen to such amazing lyrics that we can sing in praise to the Lord! I am reading a book called 'Finding God in the Psalms' by Tom Wright, and how the Psalms were considered the first hymn book so to speak - the Psalms are full of wonderful words - we should sing them out! :D Blessings, Ruth Clemence (P.S great to see you at The Loft!)

  6. I have also found that hymns and songs carry me through so many times in life. When you don't know what else to do...sing. My grandmother was always humming hymns and she had such a cheerful spirit.
