Saturday 12 March 2016


Today we are writing at Five Minute Friday on the topic Share, and we've also been asked to go back through our old entries and share our favourite to get published in a real live book - oh wow.  I just looked back through my entries this week, and it was like getting a glimpse of where I was compared to now, and yet still relevant and life giving.
Are you ready?   We write for five minutes whatever comes out and share over at Kate Motaung's link up and go encourage another writer, who's being brave and honest.


I love how we can share at Five Minute Fridays, there are revelations and ideas that come out here that never come out in our planned writing of the 'perfect blog post' all numbers and lists, solutions and sensible plans.   Here it can just spill over, the struggles, the joy, the revelations and real life soup that we all live in.   It's sharing like this is the way it's supposed to be, whether you live next door, across town or the ocean, and we've never met.   Finding friends to really share with can be as tricky as a large elephant tiptoeing across ice, there are only a few to share with more than just toilet training and tantrums.  To share the deep of prayer and promises that are bigger than where you are now.

1 comment:

  1. Yes!! I never thought I would like blogging, but it just does something to my day. Even if I just post nonsense. I know I have at least a handful of readers that 'get' me... :) Have a great weekend!!
