Monday 1 September 2014

The Value of Readalouds

I found these books at a local op-shop and I was thrilled to see them, like you would be an old friend that you hadn't seen for many years, because that's exactly how I felt about them, and do you know why?
Well, these books were ones that were read-alouds when I was in primary school.  I can't remember which homeschool curriculum they were part of, perhaps LEM, but I do remember them being read aloud to us, and they are certainly ones that I will read to Erin and any future children I have. 
They were faith building, old fashioned and intriguing, and I still remember many, many books that Mum read aloud to us.  In fact most of the history that I actually *remember* is not from the history books, though Mystery of History was a brilliant curriculum and I have kept the timelines that I made whilst using that, but from the many historical fiction books Mum read to us. 
Would you mind homeschooling Mamas if I suggested something to you?
Please read aloud to your children, in the car, at home, around lunch, before bed, whatever, but if you are going to do it in a sit down session like we did (start the morning with Scripture memory, Bible reading, perhaps a game, History reading and then a read aloud on the loungeroom floor) please let your kids do stuff while they listen.  Like fiddle with lego, colour in, illustrate a journal, bead, knit, glue, sew, or even the ironing or folding.  It's so much easier to listen when you're hands are engaged.  Contrary to what you might think it helps keeps the brain engaged on the book.  I'm so glad Mum let us fiddle.  I was still fiddling when I was 16 and these are some of the pages in a journal I illustrated while she read to us:

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