Saturday 6 April 2024


I'm writing for Five Minute Friday and this week's prompt word is COMPLICATE

Long-term trauma tends to complicate relationships.   Often we spend our lives living in fight or flight mode and don't know it.   We live on high alert, looking for trouble in current relationships, and it's not hard to imagine trouble, even when it's not there.   That overriding concern and fear is like a fog that just hangs over your relationships all.the.time.  

After a major meltdown with someone recently, I got to asking the Lord, 'Why?!'

'Where did all that crap come from?'  

'What's the fear that was behind the meltdown?'

'Why is that fog there all.the.time?' 

And He started to show me what complicates our relationships, why I've been on high alert - for years - and that it needs to stop because it will do damage, has done damage.  

Being abused and attacked by a father who's supposed to protect you - that tends to complicate current relationships. 

Being rejected and neglected by a mother who's supposed to be your safe place - that tends to complicate current relationships.

Being the 'strong one' in significant relationships from a young age - that tends to complicate current relationships.

Being unable to lean on emotionally immature parents, even as an adult - that tends to complicate current relationships.   

Being ignored, mocked and dismissed by your spouse for many years - that tends to complicate current relationships. 

Being betrayed by pastoral people in previous churches - that tends to complicate current relationships. 

Being betrayed by close friends in previous seasons - that tends to complicate current relationships.  

Blaming yourself for everything that your kids are struggling with - that tends to complicate current relationships.  

Being a single parent - that tends to complicate current relationships.

But none of these complications are beyond God's grace, as I have discovered this last week.  

When we bring the mess and the complications to Him, in honesty, when we follow the practice James gives us, it clears the fog and creates a new pathway forward.   

Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.   James 5:16

But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.   1 John 1:7

In that place of confession and honesty, the enemy's lies are revealed, truth wins, forgiveness flows, grace pours into those cracks and crevices, healing can happen, fellowship is restored and strengthened.   

And when we surrender the fears that we have clung so tightly to, to protect ourselves from more trauma, that tends to uncomplicate current relationships.  

I'm incredibly grateful for friends and pastors and church family who live God's grace.   

I sought the Lord, and He heard me,

And delivered me from all my fears.

They looked to Him and were radiant,

And their faces were not ashamed.

This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him,

And saved him out of all his troubles.   Ps 34:4-6  

Fear complicates.   Confession and honesty and surrender clear the way for healthy relationships.

My homework this week is to name the fears, each one, bring them out into the open, and surrender them to Him under whose wings I can take refuge.   No more self-protection, no more hiding or masking or questioning . 

Guarding my heart - yes. 

Self-protection - no.

Looking for problems - no.  

Trusting Him to show me if there's a real problem - yes.

Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul,

Like a weaned child with his mother;

Like a weaned child is my soul within me.  Psalm 131:2 

You will keep him in perfect peace,

Whose mind is stayed on You,

Because he trusts in You.

Trust in the Lord forever,

For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength.  Isaiah 26:3  

A friend shared this beautiful song with me.   So timely and so helpful.  I have it on repeat.   

My heart’s been in the wild

And somewhere it got lost

I built these walls around me till

I couldn’t see the cross

When all I loved had left me

Somehow You still stayed

Adopted in this orphan

And washed away my stains

So I will wait for You

I will wait for You

Oh I know You're working all things for my good

So I’ll  trust You in this valley

I  know that You’re still God

Friday 29 March 2024


I'm writing for Five Minute Friday and this week's prompt word is ALREADY.   

I wish I was done already.

I wish this healing journey was finished already.

Some fellow pilgrims tell me I'm done.

Others tell me, 'You're nearly there!'

Nearly where?! 

Like, is there a finish line that's obvious to everyone else, that you don't know till you know?  

It leaves you wondering just how far from that elusive finishing line you are.   

Actually, it feels like the finish line keeps moving.

How do you know when you're done?

When you are done, will you know you're there?    Is there some way of knowing that for sure? 

Others say that you're never done, this side of heaven.    That's disheartening on the one hand, but encouraging because you feel like they get it - your level of brokenness and the healing process required.  And the pressure is off to be done already.   

Each new layer He peels back reveals more brokenness and you let Him deal and heal and seal it up, and you experience His love in a deeper way.  And you rejoice, for a while, with gratitude at the deeper knowing of that love.   You also rejoice at your deeper ability to trust Him.   That's worth the pain.   

But then, there's more that was hiding under that last layer.  

That last layer was hiding something you didn't see, couldn't possibly have seen, and here we go again!

I so want to be done already.  I'm so over it.     I mean, seriously, how many layers does an onion have? 

But then, I wanted to be done three years ago.   And two years ago.  And one year ago.   

I really am glad I've come this far because I wouldn't know Him like I do now.   I thought I already did know Him.   But not really.  

And perhaps I don't really know Him that well now but at least now I CAN know Him, in increasing measure - without hiding from Him behind fear and guilt and shame.  

Those things are already dealt with, for the most part.    

But the trouble with the deeper layers, is that they hide the deeper wounds, the more painful wounds.    

And the deeper levels require deeper levels of surrender and trust and repentance.   It's a dying process that hurts, often times a great deal.   

So, I want to be done already.   But that would mean I have reached the end of knowing Him in a deeper way.   I don't think that is possible this side of heaven.     I don't want this healing process to last until I meet Him on the other side, or He comes back.    But I'm starting to think it will.   

We will never exhaust the depth of His love.    We will never really be able to say, 'I'm already there'  till we ARE there, in His presence, without the baggage and wounds and sinful defaults.   I wish I was already there.  But wishing won't change anything and I don't believe in wishing.   

So, I'll just keep pressing in, following hard after Him, wrestling like Jacob at times, doing it afraid, but knowing that His footsteps (of suffering, surrender, pain, brokenness) are also my footsteps.   He gets it.   He is already there and He is my greatest cheer leader.  

The Lord your God in your midst,

The Mighty One, will save;

He will rejoice over you with gladness,

He will quiet you with His love,

He will rejoice over you with singing.”   Zephaniah 3:17   

Righteousness will go before Him, and shall make His footsteps our pathway.  Psalm 85:13

He leads me beside the still waters.     

He restores my soul;

He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.  Psalm 23:2,3  


It's Heaven's perfect mystery

The King of Love has sent for me

And now You're singing over me

The Father's song

The Father's song

The Father's love

You sung it over me and for eternity

It's written on my heart

Wednesday 27 March 2024


I'm writing for Five Minute Friday and this week's prompt word is BLAME.   

Lately the Lord has been speaking to me about cracks and crevices - the gaping holes in our character, in our sense of identity, in our confidence - all covered by the masks we wear.  

We can hide our flaws and failures and fears so well at times that not even we ourselves can see them.  

But God....

He seems to engineer circumstances, or at the very least take advantage of them, to show us the state of our hearts - the fear, the resentment, the jealousy, the selfish motives, the shame, and so much more.    These cracks and crevices are often very deep and the exposure is painful.   

When we are faced with that exposure because something or someone has pushed our buttons to the point that the mask falls apart, what then?

The default is often to blame. 

To blame the person who pushed our buttons.

To blame the people who damaged us way back.

To blame the people we're currently in close relationship with.

To blame the people we lean on for not knowing what we need in that moment.

To blame Him for allowing the circumstances that have exposed our cracks.

To blame ourselves for having those cracks and crevices in the first place.

Blame, blame, blame.  It's so easy and normal and human.   We've been doing it since the time of Adam and Eve.  

But it doesn't move us forward in any way.  

In fact, it can create for us a deeper hole, a stronger bondage, a harder recovery, a greater wound.    It damages relationships even more and gives the enemy more to work with.  

Blame is about hiding -  our sin, brokenness, pain, shame, failures and more.   I see so many people doing it, even in the church.    In fact, it seems to be rife in the church.  So many Christians are 'stuck' in dysfunction and broken relationship with God, themselves and others because they're busy blaming someone.  

What is God's answer?    I love these words of truth from John.  

If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.  But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.   If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.   1 John 1:6-9

Hiding behind blame is walking in darkness and not practising the truth.    It blocks fellowship with Him and others.   

Getting real about what's in our hearts, owning what comes out of our mouths, what is driving our behaviour - that is walking in the light.  

Denying our cracks is deceiving ourselves and it hurts others and kills fellowship. 

Confessing our sin and our brokenness is allowing Him to cleanse and heal and seal up those cracks and crevices properly.  

When we own it, confess our part, acknowledge the damage, we no longer need to mask and pretend and hide.   We can be our authentic selves, and move forward - broken but healed, inclined to sin but knowing not to, secure in His perfect love for us, not needing to hurt others to protect ourselves.   

Each time something triggers us, it's an opportunity to throw ourselves into His grace and then move forward, slightly less broken, with one less gaping wound, and knowing the height and depth and breadth and width of His love.  

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.   Hebrews 4:16

................. that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height - to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.   Ephesians 3:16-19

I say I'm fine, yeah I'm fine oh I'm fine, hey I'm fine but I'm not

I'm brokenAnd when it's out of control I say it's under control but it's notAnd You know itI don't know why it's so hard to admit itWhen being honest is the only way to fix itThere's no failure, no fallThere's no sin You don't already knowSo let the truth be told

Sunday 10 March 2024


I'm writing for Five Minute Friday and this week's prompt word is DEDICATE.  

I've decided to dedicate this blog post to a friend and sister that our church family lost recently. 

Her name was Lynne, is Lynne.

She's still alive - with Him - just not with us.

She's with the One that she loved,

with the Jesus that she proclaimed, passionately and persistently,

to whoever would listen, 

because she knew that He was, He is, the answer for our every need.

To those outside her immediate family, she was a friend, a sister in Christ, a teacher, a mentor, a counsellor, a listener, an encourager.    I knew her as all of that and my life was enriched by her.   She did a lot of listening and a lot of encouraging.   There were many times that she held space for me while I shared pain and worries and heartaches.  Every time, she directed me back to Him.   

She was a coffee-table kind of friend.   You didn't need to be fancy to sit at her table.  In fact, she preferred it if you weren't.    We spent many hours chatting about all sorts of things, watching the kids play in the pool, watching the birds outside, looking at the plants in her garden, discussing the Lord and now He works, and how good He is. 

We talked about healing and how much she wanted to be healed of her COPD,  and later cancer, so she could get out there and do God's work.  She didn't realise how much she was doing God's work right there at her table and online in the support groups she was in.     She touched many, many lives.  Many, many people miss her.   

There was one day, on the phone, that I was sharing my frustration about this healing journey that the Lord has had me on, for several years now, that started at her table really.   The Lord gave her a picture of a caterpillar being transformed into a beautiful butterfly.   That picture was such a great encouragement to me, and remains so, to this day, though learning about how disgusting it is inside a cocoon was not encouraging.  Metamorphosis is a slow, painful process, that is hard to get through, made easier only by the love and support of mature friends.  

Those who miss her most, of course, are her family.    To her family, she was a dedicated wife and mother and grandmother and even a great grandmother, auntie, cousin, sister, daughter.  

Many times, when I was sitting at her table, she would get a call from a family member who knew she would be available on the phone.    She was very available to them.  Just the other day her hubby, Paul, commented that he still goes to call her as he's leaving work and then realises he can't.   I'm sure that's yet another reminder that she's on the other side of time - for now.    

We are separated from her now by the gates of heaven.  One day we'll see her again.   And the reunion will be joyous, and we will see her whole.   We will all be whole and free of all that got in the way of health and wholeness and love down here.

In the meantime, she is no doubt enjoying being with the two sons that she lost along the way, her miscarried babies, family members and other loved ones who went before her.  

One day, Lynne, our reunion will be sweet.  In the meantime, I'm rejoicing that you are walking free of the pain and restriction that you had this side of eternity.    I'm sorry you're gone.  I miss you, but I'm rejoicing for you.    I'm rejoicing and longing for that day when.....

God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”  Rev 21:4   

In the meantime, I can only imagine how much you are rejoicing and dancing, which you weren't able to do here.   I remember discussing this song with you.   And here you are, living it now, more alive than us.     I'm jealous.      One day, Lynne............   

In the meantime, I will be grateful for all God did for me - through you - most of it at your table.     

Surrounded by Your glory

What will my heart feel?

Will I dance for you Jesus

Or in awe of You be still?

Will I stand in your presence

Or to my knees, will I fall?

Will I sing hallelujah?

Will I be able to speak at all?

I can only imagine

I can only imagine

I can only imagine

when that day comes 

when I find myself

standing in the sun....................

Saturday 2 March 2024


I'm writing for Five Minute Friday, and this week's prompt word is SUFFER.    

When parents are super busy, children suffer.

When parents are strained or exhausted, children suffer.

When the marriage is not a safe environment, children suffer.

When parents ask children to perform for love, children suffer.

When parents are hurting from their own internal wounds, children suffer.

When parents abuse the children they're supposed to protect, children suffer.  

When parents tear down the walls of their child's identity and worth, the child suffers.

When that child carries those wounds into marriage and parenting, their spouse suffers, their children suffer.  

And so it goes on.    There is so much suffering in families. 

It's not how God meant it to be.

He designed families to be a place where everyone can be safe, nurtured, protected, honoured, and to grow - like plants inside a well-watered garden.

When that garden is damaged, invaded, undermined, untended, everyone suffers.

The pages of the Bible are full of suffering families, from Adam and Eve's family in the very beginning, right through to the families mentioned in the pages of the gospels and beyond.

But God.....................

He sent His Son to touch those who were hurting from years of suffering, sometimes generations of suffering.   He forgave, liberated, embraced, validated, healed, empowered.  

And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people.  Matt 4:23

He Himself suffered pain, rejection, humiliation, shame, brokenness, fear, and all the awful effects of sin - for us - on the cross.   

Surely He has borne our griefs
And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten by God, and afflicted.

But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed and He was afflicted............................   Isa 53:4-7

It's ironic that it was in a garden that He fully surrendered to God's plan, for us, so that we don't have to suffer.  He started His walk of suffering, the crushing, in that place.   

Because He suffered, and conquered all of it, we can apply His victory to each area of our lives where we have suffered, and still suffer.   

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”  Rev 21:4

That victory is called grace.   The empowering grace to move forward from whatever we are suffering with.  

On Sunday, we listened to one of the best explanations of grace I've ever heard.   One of our occasional preachers was filling in, and he did an amazing job of explaining what that grace is and how we can and must access it,, to move forward from our whatever it is we are suffering with.  

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.  Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.  Hebrews 4:15,16

We can come and receive that grace.   Do we?  Will we?   

Will we come every time we suffer?   

We can.  

Do we?

Will we?  

“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.  1 Peter 5:5-7

How much will we continue to suffer instead of coming?   

He longs for us to come.  He longs to heal our hearts and ease our suffering.  

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt;

Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.

“But My people would not heed My voice,

And Israel would have none of Me.

So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart,

To walk in their own counsels.

"Oh, that My people would listen to Me,

That Israel would walk in My ways!   Ps 81:10-13

How wonderfulHow gloriousMy Saviour's scarsVictoriousMy chains are goneMy debt is paidFrom death to lifeAnd grace to grace
If Heaven now owns that vacant tombHow great is the hope that lives in YouThe passion that tore through hell like a roseThe promise that rolled back death and its stone
If freedom is worth the life You raisedWhere is my sin?Where is my shame?If love paid it all to have my heart

Tuesday 20 February 2024


I'm sharing what God did on the weekend, the heart surgery alluded to in the previous blogpost, partly because I need to understand it, and I understand things best when I write them down.  

But I'm hoping that by sharing this very personal and painful part of my healing journey, it just might help someone else.  

My blog is partly my journey of healing and I pray that it will help someone else on their journey as well.    We are all on the journey together, and our shared stories can help others.  

They go from strength to strength;

Each one appears before God in Zion.   Ps 84:7   

When you grow up as the strong one in the dynamics of your family, and you've had a lot of relational responsibility put on you at a young age, way too much, then you learn not to love yourself because that feels wrong and selfish.  And perhaps you get told by one or both emotionally immature parents, that you don't deserve certain basic things like love and acceptance and even food and clothes.   And because you're constantly failing at something you shouldn't have to be doing, you get weighed down by guilt and shame.   

If, as a young child, you hear the words disgusting, useless, ugly, pest, nuisance, undeserving, failure, and others, you internalise them.  You don't question them.   They become your truth, your scaffolding, your foundations, the bolts in your lighthouse.   


Because parents were designed to build into their children building blocks for their identity.

And children were designed to believe whatever their parents told them.    It's God's good design, ruined by sin and brokenness.   That's how young children are wired - to absorb and believe.   

And so we DO believe what's said to us and spoken over us, at a young age.      And we build our identity, our worth, our lives on those beliefs.   Then in later years, we find ourselves struggling with shame and guilt and feeling like we don't deserve to be loved, or to love ourselves, to prioritise ourselves or to even sit at His feet and receive.   

We end up in relationships, not just marriage, where we are constantly adapting and bending and ultimately breaking, to keep the other person happy, to keep God happy.   All this to avoid rejection and because we fundamentally believe we are a nuisance and ugly and useless and need to ignore our own needs and strive to meet the needs of others.   And so we try harder - to please God, to appease people.   

And we keep failing and so we get stuck in a cycle of shame, guilt, fear and failure.   

And it's all just crushing us and slowly killing us, and breaking His heart.  

He wants us to live FROM a place of knowing and resting in His love, not striving towards it all the time.   

....................   that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man,  that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height  -   to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge   Ephesians 3:16-19   

On Saturday, I found myself in a pretty dark place.   I'd spent the week wrestling with shame and anger and a lot of pain and I couldn't quite work out what was going on.   I had several friends, including my pastors, praying for me and asking the Lord to show me what was stirring.  

I was once again feeling the urge to walk into a china shop with a baseball bat, so I knew something deep was stirring and the Lord wanted it sorted.   I've lived with suppressed anger for many years so I recognise it well.   

I sat down and wrote my ex-husband a very long and angry letter about how he had intentionally -  and unintentionally -  sculpted me into the person he wanted me to be, that he thought I 'should' be, and judged me for not being.   

I didn't send it.  I had no intention of sending it.   I've had way too many conversations with him over the years on these issues that have not achieved any real understanding or forward movement for either of us.  We were both very broken people, triggering each other's deep wounds, and not letting anyone in to really know us or help us.   We need to heal separately at this point.  

I thought writing that letter would help.  It helped to clarify things and it appeased the anger somewhat.  I tore it up and threw it in the river and let go of the need for his validation.

But that exercise didn't shift things like I thought it would.    

My pastor had asked me several days earlier if i needed to forgive myself for something, if that was part of the anger.   I assured her that it wasn't.   How wrong can you be?   

Another friend suggested I write a letter to myself.   Turns out, that was a much harder exercise.   Turns out I was very angry with myself over many things, mostly failure.   

I tried to write that and felt deep pain, so I stopped.   I still had to function enough to homeschool, attend a funeral and show up for a friend, so I put it on hold for another 24 hours.   

As I started to write that letter the next morning, I realised I was angry with myself for letting him sculpt me into something I wasn't.  I was angry with myself for letting just about everyone significant in my life sculpt me and mold me and manipulate me to one degree or another.   I was angry with myself for being so pathetic and stupid and adaptable.    I wrote myself a very angry letter, tore it up and threw it in the river.   No great relief, yet again.  

I then started to recognise that what I was actually wrestling with was shame.    That's been a recurring theme in my life.   Like anger, I've hung onto shame, internalised it, and it's caused me much pain, but it has also been one of my major leaning posts.   Not a good one.   But still, very familiar and somewhat useful and predictable and manageable.    

It's hard to give up the familiar leaning posts that you have learnt to lean on in the absence of love and acceptance and predictability.    When you've learnt to lean on shame and anger, which are both strong emotions, then 'soft' emotions like love and acceptance feel unsafe and unstable.    But love - unconditional love and acceptance and validation - are powerful things to build your identity and worth on.   It's just that they feel 'soft' and shaky when you've only known the 'nice' stuff that turns out to be unpredictable and has no real substance.

Anger and shame and being strong and stoic is up to you.  It makes you feel powerful and in control.  Leaning on love is leaning on something else, someone else, outside of you, and that feels terrifying and pathetic.    I think having emotionally immature and unpredictable parents sets you up for feeling unsafe with real love because you're not sure it's going to last very long.   Because it often didn't, especially when they were under strain.  

So, I'm learning to lean.  He's been saying that to me for years.  I guess part of learning to lean is for Him to knock out from under you what you're already leaning on.   Duh!!   While that might seem straightforward in theory, it is incredibly painful to go back to what you were leaning on and believing,  and allow Him to remove it and replace it.    And when you haven't yet learned how to walk in the new, it's very disorienting.  

That's what happened on Saturday.  I had done the letter writing, tried to sort through the thoughts in my head, and I was going around in circles.   He actually wouldn't let me work it out.  When I had finally had enough of toughing it out and trying to work it out, He suggested strongly I ring my pastor for a  chat.   I had to decide if I was going to sit and pray with her without actually understanding it all or knowing what would happen - that unpredictability again, taking a risk, not being in control.   

That felt incredibly unsafe.   Not because she is an unsafe person.  It's taken two-plus years to build a trusting relationship with her and not because of her lack of character, but because it takes time to build trust when you've learnt you can't trust.  And it's taken that long to build trust with Him.   But it still feels risky, even now.   

Her opening prayer, 'Lord, let Kath know she's safe here with You and with me'.   She knew.   

Then she started asking impertinent questions and making statements that created strong reactions in me.  I found myself digging in and screaming, silently of course, 'No, I can't forgive myself and I can't accept that I deserve to be loved.    Just nope.'  

I quietly said, 'Nope'

Why not?

"I don't know.   It's just wrong.    I don't deserve it."

And around and around we went, not really getting anywhere.   

Then the Lord reminded me of the picture of the small, broken walls He had showed me last week.   He had reminded me of some of Beth Moore's teaching about how abuse and rejection break down the walls of your personhood and your worth.    I shared that picture with Carolyn.   She started probing a bit deeper.   

And  as she did, the Lord ripped open a wound that had been there for over 50 years.  It was His time to  heal it, but I had to let Him touch it.   He didn't tell me that would happen.  I knew it was something deep, but He didn't say what.  I just knew He was going deep and it was going to hurt.   Carolyn is a very capable, gentle and loving surgeon's assistant, and I'm incredibly grateful to the Lord for her.   

The conversation went something like this: 

So how old are you at the time of these broken walls?

Mmm, maybe three or four or five? 

Who and what broke down those walls?  

Mum.  Her words.  Her disgust towards me.

What were the words?   

I couldn't speak those words out.   I wanted so badly to just get up and run away.   I was in so much pain as I was taken back to that time and place, over 50 years ago, like it was yesterday.   But I knew those words would now just scream louder and louder in my head even if I left that room, and then I would be alone with them.   They could no longer be silenced or drowned out.   That callus had been ripped off.    And I could hear and see in raw detail the words that had been the foundational building blocks of my identity.

They were now spinning very fast in my head and I was in a world of pain.   



a damn nuisance





not worth feeding

not buying you pretty clothes

Carolyn asked me again to give voice to those words, which I thought would just confirm them and cement them.

After many minutes of staring out the window, gritting my teeth, tears in my eyes, and Carolyn quietly praying, I was able to voice them.   And as I did, they lost their power over me. They floated off into space and I saw them for the lies that they were.   These words were the very fabric of my thinking about ME.   It's not what I believed about others, just about me.    There was healing in voicing those lies as just that - lies.   

But He wasn't finished.   

Carolyn quietly said to me,

What was your name back then?  

I can't say that name!

Why not?  

I hate that name!

Why do you hate that name so much? 

Because that person is unlovable.   It's actually not possible to love that person.   

Why not? 

She is disgusting.  

For you to heal, you need to love that person.  You need to forgive that person for all her 'failures' as you see them.   You need to TELL that person that she is lovable, that she deserves to be loved, that you love her, and you will start loving her, because she's a part of who you are today.    You need to speak that out.  

So she started suggesting different variations of my current name and finally hit on the one I was called back then. 

Once again, I was back at staring out the window, silent, tears welling again and in my head screaming, "I am not that name!!     Nope, nope, just nope."

She sat and prayed quietly, and I sat and screamed silently.   

Eventually she said, 

Could I come and give Kathy a hug?   Would that be okay?  

This whole time she had only been sitting a couple of feet away, but now she just moved over and held that little girl, the little girl who was 'unlovable' and crushed beneath the weight of her mother's words and her tone of disgust and rejection.  

And something in me just broke under the weight of real love and acceptance.    

Right there, in the presence of unconditional love, from Him, through Carolyn's touch (something Mum never did in love) God healed what has been broken for a very long time.  

I was finally able to cry properly, and let go of that disgust and the pain of rejection.   

Then more words from Carolyn.  

Tell Kathy you love her.    Tell her you forgive her.   

That was still tough, still felt wrong but I now knew it wasn't wrong, it just felt wrong.    Feelings don't go away quickly, even in the light of the truth.  

I struggled with that but I did it, slowly and painfully.

And she prayed healing into those raw and broken places in my soul.      And we just sat in the Lord's presence for a few minutes as He did what He only knows how to do.   I was raw but I knew He had healed me.  I'm still raw and still trying to understand it, but something has shifted.

So here we are.  I will still be referred to as Kath, because that's the name I prefer.   But Kathy needs loving and to be cared for and cherished.    I can do that, with His help.    And perhaps as she heals, Kath can get healed as well - body and soul.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.    3 John 1:2 

Potentially, this changes how I look after myself, how I interact with others that I feel threatened by, how I receive love from others, how I stand up and say what needs saying without fearing rejection, the boundaries I put up in my relationships, how I find comfort, how I perceive my identity and my personality with all its quirks and strengths and weaknesses.   I say potentially because I'm now free to believe different things, to choose not to be offended or defensive or accept the lies of the enemy, free to make different choices for myself.    They are still my choices to make but I'm now free to make them.  

It changes everything, slowly, and surely, step by step.     

And He leads us, step by step, as we start to walk strong where we have stumbled.  

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.

Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;

For the Lord upholds him with His hand.  Psalm 37:23,24

He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,

Out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock,

And established my steps.  Psalm 40:2  

Real love is much more powerful than anger and shame and stoicism.    Real love is solid and has substance.  But real love has to be experienced consistently to feel right and solid.   

It takes time and faithfulness and choosing to believe for it to become your new reality.    I need to walk it out, daily, and make choices based on His truth about me.   He is building this lighthouse with new bricks, on a new foundation, a solid one of His truth, with the bolts in the right place this time.

He is patient.   He is gentle.   He invites us to continually come and surrender.    It's the favourite word of my good friend, Heidi, and we come back to it often in our conversations.    I'm learning that surrender is a process, a continual, intentional choice - our response to His invitation to be transformed by Him.  

And with that comes the empowering to live life in His grace, not our own strength.  

"Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.     Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am  gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.      For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”   Matt 11:28-30   


You hold my every moment

You calm my raging seas

You walk with me through fire

And heal all my disease

I trust in You, Lord, I trust in You

I believe You're my Healer

I believe You are all I need

I believe

And I believe You're my portion

I believe You're more than enough for me

Jesus You're all I need

Monday 19 February 2024


Are we bolted down to the absolute rock of who He is?

Or are we relying on our own strength?

This week, the Lord has been doing some major heart surgery, yet again.

How much more Lord? 

I knew something was up because it's been incredibly painful but I wasn't quite sure what it was about. 

He's been showing me a picture of broken walls, little walls, but very broken. 

And He's also been showing me a lighthouse.  We've been learning about lighthouses at church.  Our pastor, Chris, has preached some very insightful sermons on that. 

How does any of that relate to this week's Five Minute Friday prompt word from - SPOIL

If we are meant to be a lighthouse that stands firm and shines for those in darkness, because we contain the Light of the world, what spoils that?

I was reading about this lighthouse that crashed, killing the assistant lighthouse keeper.   

"Over the years there'd been speculation that Whale Rock Lighthouse wasn't fastened to its base. One keeper even put this belief into the lighthouse's log. Some local residents believed this was the reason the lighthouse was destroyed. On November 9, 1938, the 2nd District Associate Engineer visited the remains of Whale Rock Lighthouse to find out why it was destroyed. During the examination of its concrete base, he discovered the lighthouse wasn't fastened to the base. He found "no evidence of anchor bolts or any other means by which the cast iron tower plates were actually held to the masonry pier, except for the brick tower lining, which appeared to be 8 inches thick at the bottom, and the mass of the entire tower." This wasn't the reason the lighthouse was destroyed, though. The engineer found some of the bolts holding the lighthouse's cast iron plate together were corroded. This weakened its structural integrity. The repeated pounding of the waves on September 21 jarred the corroded bolts loose and tore the top off."

This lighthouse was strong, withstood many, many storms, shone its light to help many.   It was built on a rock but turns out it wasn't bolted down properly to the rock, and its own bolts were corroded.    

It wasn't the rock that failed.  It wasn't the storm that led to its demise, though the storm was severe.  

It wasn't anchored properly and its corroding bolts spoiled its strength and mission.

What are the missing bolts that threaten to spoil our strength and purpose and ability to withstand the storms?

Are we bolted down to the absolute solid Rock - Jesus - and His truths?

Are there truths missing, like the bolts, that will potentially bring us down, if not now, then when life gets harder? 

I found out this week that I wasn't actually as anchored as I thought I was to the Rock, Jesus, and that some of my key bolts were missing and corroded.   God knew.  He put His finger on that wound, a core wound, and wouldn't take it off until the pressure got enough for me to face it and let Him heal it properly.   God is up to something - rebuilding, reworking, restoring, redeeming.   He doesn't want anything to spoil our strength or our ability to know His love in the depths of our soul.  

Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts,
And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.  Ps 51:6

Yesterday, my pastors reminded me of these words, as they prayed through our new home.  

“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:   and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock." Matthew 7: 24,25 

I will write more about the heart surgery hopefully soon.   It's still settling and raw.    But I have been reminded several times recently that we MUST let Him deal with those structural strongholds and 'bolts' that threaten to spoil our strength if we want to be a strong lighthouse that houses His light to this very dark world.  

He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.   Psalm 40:2

My rock, my shield, my firm foundation

I know I will not be shaken

You remind me

Where my help comes from

This is the truth I'm standing on

Even when all my strength is gone

You are faithful forever

And I know You'll never

Let me fall