Tuesday 23 July 2024


When you're a strong person, like this tree, people tend to look to you, look at you, when something isn't right, when things fall apart.

And sometimes they make up a narrative to explain the why and the how of it.  

And sometimes, like this tree, you stand there and take that because you think you should.  

And you lose your leaves and your colour and your health because you've accepted for too long the sole responsibility that wasn't meant for your shoulders alone.   In an attempt to love people and make their lives easier, you've accepted their loads.  

But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.  For each one shall bear his own load.   Gal 6:4,5

This tree is painted blue as part of the Blue Tree Project in Australia to help people acknowledge their mental health problems, like depression and anxiety, and to help others understand and help them.    These trees are dotted all over the country and often carry small signs to point people to support networks.   

But I do wonder how many of us, who are depressed and anxious, are carrying shame and guilt that's not ours to carry, but handed to us, thrown at us, spoken over us, because somebody else didn't want to, or doesn't want to, accept their responsibility.  

God wants to make for each one of us a yoke of responsibility to carry that fits us perfectly - not one that pulls us down or wears us out.    It's not ours to carry alone because He wants to carry it with us.  But it is ours to carry and  He waits for us to surrender to His yoke for us.  

Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.   

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.   

For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.   Matt 11:28-30

But I suspect we let other people make yokes for us so their burdens are lighter.   Or add bits to our yokes to make their yoke more comfortable and less challenging.  

God has a yoke for each one of us to carry that His grace enables us to carry, as we walk in step with Him.  

It is not our job to make yokes for others, nor to make their load heavier by adding our blame, shame and guilt when things are obviously broken.  

He has shone His light on some lies and shadows in my thinking this week, and I have discovered that the yoke He made for me is not the one I've been carrying.    And things are finally starting to make sense.  

This morning, as I've walked along the edge of the river, He has shone His light into the shadows and dispelled the lies and half truths that have been weighing me down.

So I will make room for His truth, because that sets me free to do only what He requires of me.  Nothing more, nothing less.   That is my required worship.  Everything else is wood, hay and stubble.

God has spoken once, 

twice I have heard this: 

That power belongs to God.  

Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy.    

For You render to each one according to his work.    Psalm 62:11,12

And as I make room for His truth, I will thrive instead of looking like this tree, that is planted by the river, but not doing well.  

For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes;

but its leaf will be green 

and will not be anxious in the year of drought, 

nor will cease from yielding fruit.    Jer 17:8

Here is where I lay it down

Every burden, every crownThis is my surrender this is my surrenderHere is where I lay it downEvery lie and every doubtThis is my surrender
… And I will make room for YouTo do whatever You want toTo do whatever You want toAnd I will make room for YouTo do whatever You want toTo do whatever You want to, oh

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