Saturday 21 September 2024


I'm writing for Five Minute Friday and this week's prompt word is MATTER

I spent several hours fiddling with a blog post for last week's prompt word, PRESERVE.   I didn't get it done till today because, well, it's been quite a week.  

I've been telling myself for months to keep quiet about a particular topic, that it doesn't matter, that my perspective on that topic doesn't matter, to just bury it. 

But it does matter.  Lived experience matters.  Our perspective, our story, our insight - it all matters.  

You can read the other blog post here, now that it's published.   It wasn't a five minute job and it took a lot of thought and wrestling to get it down.  

This week, I've had more than one prompt and reminder from the Lord to not remain silent, that my story matters.

So many times I've been silenced by people, mostly Christians, for lots of reasons, and I've silenced myself, to keep the peace, to prevent the fallout, or to keep the trauma buried.  

Psalm 107:2 says, 'Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy'.

In another version it says, 'let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story'.  

How can we talk of the redemption God brings if we can't share the details of the story itself?

Even if our story makes others uncomfortable, or challenges long-held and well-guarded ideals, it matters.    Telling our story helps us, and others, to see the hand of God, in the past and the present.  

But, how, why, when and to whom we share our story also matters.  

How - we need to be careful how we share.    We need to share with wisdom and grace, but also authentically, not pretending it's fine when it isn't. 

But in your hearts set Christ apart [as holy—acknowledging Him, giving Him first place in your lives] as Lord. Always be ready to give a [logical] defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope and confident assurance [elicited by faith] that is within you, yet [do it] with gentleness and respect.   1 Pet 3:15

Why - we need to share it to give Him credit for what He's doing and done, and to remind ourselves of His ongoing faithfulness and power.   Sharing it to justify unforgiveness or bad behaviour, to maintain victim status, or to get attention or to prove a point isn't wise or loving.  

Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will declare what He has done for my soul.   Ps 66:16

When - there is a time to share and a time to be quiet.  It's not always appropriate to share the details, because of the hearers, because of the context, because of the state of our hearts.    Ecclesiastes 3:7 says there is 'a time to keep silence, and a time to speak'.

To whom - Matthew 6:6-7 tells us not to cast our pearls before swine.   Often, we try and convince the wrong people to validate our pain.   Some of them honestly can't see it, or don't want to.   Some of them can only see through black and white lenses; others only want to fix it.   Sharing with the wrong people only adds to the pain and confusion.

But, even with all that in mind, it matters that we share our stories, our perspectives, our snippets of God's working and His redemptive power in our lives.  

It might be that what we share gives someone hope to hang onto, a nugget of truth to replace a lie, a comfort when they're struggling in an area, a light at the end of the tunnel.    A small thing shared at the right time can make a huge difference in someone's life.   Like the boy who shared his fish and loaves, we need to know that in His hands, small things matter, when shared at the right time.

An example of that this week was this beautiful bunch of roses, given to me yesterday by a friend who was responding to the Lord's prompt.    It was an answer to a prayer I've been praying lately, and meant so much more than just the flowers.  Her company was just as precious and reminded me that God sees, that my prayers matter.  

For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.   Matt 6:8

All of the dreams that haven't come true
And all of the hurt that happened to you
It matters, I hope you know it matters
You felt the pain of a bitter defeat
Where the weight of the grief
Is more bitter than sweet
It matters, I'm telling you it matters
To the One who spoke and set the sun ablaze
To the One who stopped the storm and walked the waves
To the One who took the tree so He could say
You matter, I hope you know you matter (matter, matter)


  1. This week's prompt was a very timely one for me, reminding me that I do matter, and your post added to the reminder. :-) Being wise and discerning about when and where to share is important, but yes our experiences matter and it's always good to give glory to God for all he has done in our lives. Visiting from FMF#14

  2. You are absolutely correct Kath! Your story does matter. Everything that has happened in life the good and the difficult has the power to be a source of healing and help maybe to yourself, maybe to others, and in that way it is not unimportant or unneccessary, but redeemed and given meaning. You do matter, and your story matters!

  3. Your posts are always so full of wisdom and encouragement.
    There was so much I could relate to, and have to add a big Amen to "A small thing shared at the right time can make a huge difference in someone's life." That happened to me just this week.
